Quantum Leap Your Reality w/ Erin Lyons - Day 2

Get Clear on Your Best Case Scenario & Expand Into Infinite Possibility

Let’s recap!

Review Key Points & Complete Day 2 Homework


Recapping the Field

There are infinite parallel versions of yourself existing simultaneously. Each day you choose which version of your self and reality you will experience with your thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, and overall vibration.

The Law of assumption

Assumptions can either work for us or against us. Most people are conditioned to assume their worst case scenario which doesn’t allow them to consciously play in possibility. We have to reprogram ourselves to assume aligned outcomes.

master your best case scenario

The first step “pulling” a potentiality out of the quantum field is to identify our highest preferred outcome. Once we are clear on this best case scenario we can begin aligning our thoughts & energy to attract it into our lives.

Ignoring your current reality

This is where most people get stuck. Their current circumstances dominate their attention and overpowers their ability to activate a different parallel reality. You will have to practice not reacting and detaching from what is no longer a reflection of what you wish to create in your future. Meditation, going for a walk, or doing something fun/distracting is a great way to practice this.

Neutralizing your attachment

Get in the habit of recognizing that ALL outcomes are equally available. Yes - there is the potential for everything to go wrong but there’s also the potential for everything to right. You must remain focused on the highest, and best outcome. You can do this by remaining in a neutral state of being for you label something as “good” or “bad” and react to it based on a limited expression of ego judgement / attachment.

Day two homework

Grab your journal. Write out the details of your best case scenario regarding an issue that has been challenging for you to navigate. Get as specific as possible. Feel into the energy of if you actually received all of these and everything worked out perfectly. The more clear you get, you paint a picture for the Universe as to what exactly you need. The Universe will then calculate the perfect solution.


Congrats on Completing Day 2!

Be on the look out for your day 3 training. Be sure to check your spam/junk folder.